Checking if a Product Exists in the Zalando Catalog

Use the Products API to determine if an entry for a specific product simple exists in the Zalando Catalog.

You must separately check for every option and variant of the product that you wish to sell. For example, if a shoe you wish to sell has several sizes and colors, you must check every EAN - that is, every size and color combination - to see if it already exists in the Zalando Catalog.

It is possible that a product model that you wish to sell already exists, but not every product simple of that model. In this case, you would need to resubmit the whole product structure with additional simples. See Products FAQ for assistance.


The zDirect API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication for all API calls. Use the Authentication API to generate access tokens as described in the Authentication section.


To learn whether or not a product exists in the Zalando Catalog, use the Products API:

GET /products/identifiers/{ean}

For example, this httpie request checks to see if a product with the EAN 9780679762881 exists in the Zalando Catalog:

http \\
/products/identifiers/9780679762881 \
"Authorization:Bearer $YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

Response: Product Exists

If the product already exists in the Zalando Catalog, you will receive a JSON response similar to this:

  "items": [
      "ean": "9780679762881"

In this case, the product already exists in the Zalando Catalog, and you may map your product identifier with the EAN using the Products API. See Onboarding Existing Products for more information.

Response: Product Does Not Exist

If the product does not exist, you will receive a JSON response with an empty value in the items field similar to the following example:

  "items": []

In this case, the product does not exist, and you must add it to the Zalando Catalog. See Onboarding new products for more information.

Sandbox Testing

The Products API supports sandbox mode. Regardless of the ean used in the request, the sandbox responses that the product exists. For more information, see the Sandbox section of the Products API Overview in our API Reference.

Additional Resources

  • Products API Reference: Information on scopes, rate limiting, and sandbox behavior, and an OpenAPI reference for the Products API.
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