Intra-Community Movements API Overview

Use the Intra-Community API to track cross-border movements of products for Intrastat declarations.

The retention time for data in this service is 100 days. After that, data may be deleted without notice.

Intra-Community Movements API Scopes

Many zDirect APIs require clients to have specific permissions or scopes for read or write access. You may assign scopes to your apps in the "Applications" section of the zDirect Portal.

For more information on configuring app scopes, see the Applications section of our zDirect Portal guide.

Required scopes are:

Endpoint scope
/zfs/intra-community-movements zfs/icm-reports/read

Rate Limiting

Each endpoint may only make the following number of requests per second:

Endpoint req/s
/zfs/intra-community-movements 10

For more information, see Rate Limiting.

Sandbox Behavior

When calls are made to the Stock Movements API in the sandbox environment, we run basic validation on the request, and if it is well formed, return appropriate sample values.

For more information, see Sandbox Testing in our Getting Started Guide.

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