Product Status Report API


The Product Status Report API (or PSR API) provides read access to Product Status Report data. Query the PSR API to get up-to-date information about your products, such as validation status, current price, and available stock.

Possible data lags

The data served by the PSR API is near real-time and usually lags only by a few minutes. However, this lag may sometimes increase to a few hours for short periods.

To make requests, POST a JSON specifying your request parameters to the API.

PSR data is also available through the Article Listing in zDirect UI, but you must have a Merchant Partner account to access that portal.

GraphQL Endpoint

The target URL for all PSR API requests is:



Unlike other zDirect APIs, the PSR API is not a RESTful API. Instead, it uses the GraphQL framework, which enables making detailed queries without writing cumbersome requests with many parameters. It also provides interactive documentation that makes it easy to explore.

For more information, we recommend the Official GraphQL Documentation or Introduction to GraphQL from GitHub.

GraphQL Clients

We recommend using one of the GraphQL freeware clients that are available for use during development, such as:

  • Insomnia: This is our recommendation of choice. Examples in this documentation use Insomnia.
  • Postman API Client: Postman v7.2 and later have GraphQL support.

These clients allow you to easily send queries directly to the API, which can be useful for testing or for manually retrieving data.

They can also help you understand how to write GraphQL queries for the zDirect API, so you can programmatically construct requests with UIs or in application code.

Using Insomnia to View the PSR API Documentation

Getting Started

Once you have installed the Insomnia client, you may wish to review the following sections of their documentation:

As an introduction to Insomnia, we will walk through sending a basic GraphQL request to the PSR API. Once you have done so, you can use Insomnia to generate an interactive reference for the API.

The following instructions are based on Insomnia version 7.1.0 for Windows.

Create a GraphQL Request

  1. In the upper-left, click on the plus icon and selection New Request.
  2. Enter a name such as "PSR Sample Query" in the dialog box. Select "POST" for the request type, and "GraphQL Query" for the body type.
  3. Click "Create."
  4. In the top bar, enter the following URL:
  5. Add authorization information.
    1. Use the zDirect Authentication API to generate an access token as described in Authentication.
    2. In the Auth pull-down tab on the Insomnia client, select "Bearer Token"
    3. Enter the access token in the TOKEN field.
  6. Click the Header tab and verify that Content-Type is set to "application/json".

You are now ready to send a request.

Select the GraphQL tab and copy-and-paste the following JSON into the window:

  psr {
      { merchant_ids: ["YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"]
      , status_clusters: [REJECTED]
      , limit: 10
      }) {
      items {
        product_configs {
          product_simples {
            status { status_detail_code }

Be sure to enter one or more actual Merchant IDs in the merchant_ids field. Click the Send button to the right of the URL. The PSR API will return a JSON reply.

Launch the Interactive Documentation

In the upper-right of the window where you entered your sample query, click the Schema button, and select Refresh Schema.

The Show Documentation option should now be selectable. Click it.

This will launch interactive documentation that describes the various query options for the PSR API.

Using the Interactive Documentation

For a simple tutorial that shows how to use the interactive documentation to construct a query, see Tutorial: Using the PSR API.

Using the PSR API

In the PSR API design, we have used the same attribute names that we use for product submission whenever possible, but they do not always correspond exactly. Refer to the interactive documentation for a detailed enumeration of all available attributes and values.

Major PSR Query Fields

The following table shows some of the most important PSR API query fields:

Option Description
query.psr.countries Get list of countries available to merchant
query.psr.brands Get list of brands available to merchant
query.psr.seasons Get list of seasons available to merchant
query.psr.product_status_codes Get list of product status code
query.psr.product_models Search for product models. Complete product structure: model with all the configs, simples, and offers

For more information about available query options, see the interactive documentation.

Overall Product Data and Specific Offer Data

The product_models query returns Product data that includes model, config, and simple information, such as name, IDs, size group, outline, target gender, and more. For an example of a Product Model request and response, see the following Product Status Example.

Simple tier contains status. It's an overall status of the product:

  • If the product is not fully created, shows the rejection or review status of the product.
  • If the product was created, shows the combined status across all the offers.

Simple tier also contains optional offers. Offer is a sales-channel-specific information, such as price, stock, and status. The offer status is the most relevant status for the Sales Channel:

  • If the product is not fully created, shows the rejection or review status of the whole product.
  • If the product was created, shows the specific status for the offer (Sales Channel).

GraphQL gives you a power to get all this data in one call. But sometimes it makes sense to perform separate calls not to overwhelm the system (e.g. UI). For example, you can load all the relevant product data and EANs first, and then get the offer-specific data with subsequent requests. For an example of divided requests and responses, see the following Product Status Example and Offer Status Example.

For a complete list of returned data, see the interactive documentation.

For an overview on the product data structure, see Understanding Products.


All pagination is performed at the product model level.

Recommended pagination limit

We recommend using pagination limit of 10 models for better results, regarding response latency.

Pagination Example

We specify that that we want to receive only the first 5 models and specify that we expect the cursor field to be present in the response:

   psr {
    product_models(input: {
      merchant_ids: ["2c3b1592-c504-45d4-9df0-10c9ecd5fe5b"],
      limit: 5
    }) {
    items {
      product_configs {
        product_simples {

Here we can see that the response contains the cursor LABWE-238498:

  "data": {
    "psr": {
      "product_models": {
        "cursor": "LABWE-238498",
        "items": [

We can add this cursor to the original request to get the second page and the same process can be repeated to retrieve the following pages, if existent.

  psr {
    product_models(input: {
      merchant_ids: ["2c3b1592-c504-45d4-9df0-10c9ecd5fe5b"],
      limit: 5,
      cursor: "LABWE-238498"
    }) {
    items {
      product_configs {
        product_simples {


You have consumed all pages once you receive an empty cursor.

Example Queries

Validation Example 1

The following query will return the EAN and validation status code of all rejected product simples for a specified product model. Queries like this are useful during product submission validation.

Note that you need to provide real values for PARTNER_MODEL_ID and YOUR_MERCHANT_ID.

  psr {
      { merchant_ids: ["YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"]
      , status_clusters: [REJECTED]
      , limit: 10
      , search_value: "YOUR_PARTNER_MODEL_ID"
      }) {
      items {
        product_configs {
          product_simples {
            status { status_detail_code }

You will receive a reply similar to the following example:

  "data": {
    "psr": {
      "product_models": {
        "items": [
            "product_configs": [
                "product_simples": [
                    "ean": "4351261305360",
                    "status": [
                        "status_detail_code": "PSERR_110"
                    "ean": "4351261305361",
                    "status": [
                        "status_detail_code": "PSERR_110"

Validation Example 2

This query will return the primary, secondary and tertiary colors in english as well as size_group.size, size_group.length, and validation status code of all products with a specified product status, product model, and merchant id.

Such query can help identify product submissions that were rejected.

Note that you need to provide real values for PARTNER_MODEL_ID, MERCHANT_ID, and STATUS_DETAIL_CODE.

  psr {
      { merchant_ids: ["YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"]
      , status_detail_codes: ["STATUS_DETAIL_CODE"]
      , search_value: "YOUR_PARTNER_MODEL_ID"
      , limit: 10
      }) {
      items {
        size_group { size length }
        product_configs {
          color_primary { code localized { en } }
          color_secondary { code localized { en } }
          color_tertiary { code localized { en } }
          product_simples {
            size_codes { size length }
            status { status_detail_code }

You will receive a reply similar to the following example:

  "data": {
    "psr": {
      "product_models": {
        "items": [
            "size_group": [
                "size": "2FKO000E3A",
                "length": null
            "product_configs": [
                "color_primary": {
                  "code": "001",
                  "localized": {
                    "en": "yellow"
                "color_secondary": {
                  "code": "002",
                  "localized": {
                    "en": "blue"
                "color_tertiary": {
                  "code": "003",
                  "localized": {
                    "en": "green"
                "product_simples": [
                    "ean": "4351261305362",
                    "size_codes": {
                      "size": "36",
                      "length": null
                    "status": [
                        "status_detail_code": "STATUS_DETAIL_CODE"
            "size_group": [
                "size": "2FKO000E3A",
                "length": null
            "product_configs": [
                "color_primary": {
                  "code": "802",
                  "localized": {
                    "en": "black"
                "color_secondary": null,
                "color_tertiary": null,
                "product_simples": [
                    "ean": "4351261305370",
                    "size_codes": {
                      "size": "36",
                      "length": null
                    "status": [
                        "status_detail_code": "STATUS_DETAIL_CODE"
                    "ean": "4351261305371",
                    "size_codes": {
                      "size": "38",
                      "length": null
                    "status": [
                        "status_detail_code": "STATUS_DETAIL_CODE"

Product Status Example

The following request will return the EANs of all product simples along with their validation status codes for all live products specific to a Merchant ID.

Such data is useful to learn more about which products are selling and being back-filled, and how they are offered to customers.

  psr {
      { merchant_ids: ["YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"]
      , status_clusters: [LIVE]
      , country_codes: ["de"]
      , limit: 10
      }) {
      items {
        product_configs {
          product_simples {
            status { status_detail_code status_cluster }

You will receive a reply similar to the following example:

                        "status_cluster": "LIVE"
                        "status_cluster": "BLOCKED"
                        "status_cluster": "BLOCKED"
                        "status_cluster": "BLOCKED"

You can see multiple status codes for a simple with EAN - 4351261305360. The status means that the product is created, but not fully live yet. If you want to dive deeper, take a look at the offers section using the following Offer Status Example.

Offer Status Example

To get more detailed information about offer status, use product_models query, as in this example:

  psr {
      { merchant_ids: ["YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"]
      , eans: ["4351261305360", "4351261305361"]
      , status_clusters: [LIVE]
      , country_codes: ["de"]
      , limit: 10
      }) {
      items {
        product_configs {
          product_simples {
            offers {
              offer_status {
                short_description { en }

With this query, you will receive a response containing the status code and cluster for each offer that matches the query with a short description in English. For example:

  "data": {
    "psr": {
      "product_models": {
        "items": [
            "product_configs": [
                "product_simples": [
                    "ean": "4351261305360",
                    "zalando_product_simple_id": "VE042D04C-A60000M000",
                    "offers": [
                        "offer_status": [
                            "status_detail_code": "ZAON_01",
                            "status_cluster": "LIVE",
                            "short_description": {
                              "en": "You are selling this EAN"
                        "offer_status": [
                            "status_detail_code": "ZANOP_01",
                            "status_cluster": "BLOCKED",
                            "short_description": {
                              "en": "Price is missing"
                    "ean": "4351261305361",
                    "zalando_product_simple_id": "VE042D04C-A6100XS000",
                    "offers": [
                        "offer_status": [
                            "status_detail_code": "ZANOP_01",
                            "status_cluster": "BLOCKED",
                            "short_description": {
                              "en": "Price is missing"

Offer Stock and Price Example

To get more detailed information about offer's price and stock, use product_models query, as in this example:

  psr {
      { merchant_ids: ["YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"]
      , eans: ["4351261305360", "4351261305361"]
      , status_clusters: [LIVE]
      , country_codes: ["de"]
      , limit: 10
      }) {
      items {
        product_configs {
          product_simples {
            offers {
              country { code localized { en } }
              stock { amount }
              price {
                regular_price { amount currency }
                discounted_price { amount currency }

Price data shows the current values applied in the store. New price updates can take some time to be shown in the store and they are updated here afterwards. More info about price updates can be found under Manage Prices.

Stock data shows the current stock levels that can be sold in a given sales channel. For ZFS stock (Zalando-fulfilled), however, this stock number does not reflect the physical count of items in the warehouse and more info can be found on the ZFS Stock API. The stock type can be identified by the fulfillment_type information:

  1. For ZFS stock, the fulfillment_type field will have ZFS fulfillment type value. The offers object will contain the following:
  "stock": { "amount": 0 },
  "fulfillment_type": "ZFS"
  1. For partner fulfilled stock, the fulfillment_type field will have PARTNER_FULFILLMENT fulfillment type value. The offers object will contain the following:
  "stock": { "amount": 10 },
  "fulfillment_type": "PARTNER_FULFILLMENT"

An example of the overall offers data, containing sales-channel-specific information, such as price, stock, and status, can be seen in the following example response:

  "data": {
    "psr": {
      "product_models": {
        "items": [
            "product_configs": [
                "product_simples": [
                    "ean": "4351261305360",
                    "zalando_product_simple_id": "VE042D04C-A60000M000",
                    "offers": [
                        "offer_status": [
                            "status_detail_code": "ZAON_01",
                            "status_cluster": "LIVE",
                            "short_description": {
                              "en": "You are selling this EAN"
                        "country": {
                          "code": "DE",
                          "localized": {
                            "en": "Germany"
                        "stock": {
                          "amount": 42
                        "price": {
                          "regular_price": {
                            "amount": 69.95,
                            "currency": "EUR"
                          "discounted_price": {
                            "amount": 39.95,
                            "currency": "EUR"
                        "fulfillment_type": "ZFS"
                        "offer_status": [
                            "status_detail_code": "ZANOP_01",
                            "status_cluster": "BLOCKED",
                            "short_description": {
                              "en": "Price is missing"
                        "country": {
                          "code": "NL",
                          "localized": {
                            "en": "Netherlands"
                        "stock": {
                          "amount": 420
                        "price": null,
                        "fulfillment_type": "ZFS"
                    "ean": "4351261305361",
                    "zalando_product_simple_id": "VE042D04C-A6100XS000",
                    "offers": [
                        "offer_status": [
                            "status_detail_code": "ZANOP_01",
                            "status_cluster": "BLOCKED",
                            "short_description": {
                              "en": "Price is missing"
                        "country": {
                          "code": "DE",
                          "localized": {
                            "en": "Germany"
                        "stock": {
                          "amount": 21
                        "price": null,
                        "fulfillment_type": "PARTNER_FULFILLMENT"

For more information, see the preceding Overall Product Data and Specific Offer Data.

Sustainability Certificate

Use the product_models.items query below to retrieve a product sustainability certificate information. Additionally, you can retrieve products with or without approved sustainability certificate by using the optional boolean has_approved_sustainability_related_claim query filter.

  psr {
      { merchant_ids: ["YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"]
      , has_approved_sustainability_related_claim: true
      , limit: 10
      }) {
      items {
        product_configs {
          certificate {
            product_component {
          product_simples {

An example response showing the certificate information:

  "data": {
    "psr": {
      "product_models": {
        "items": [
            "product_configs": [
                "certificate": {
                  "certificate_info": "home_labels_5111",
                  "certificate_test_institute": "Ecocert Greenlife SAS",
                  "certificate_approval_number": "EGL/000000/GOTS/000000/0",
                  "certification_tier": "brand",
                  "product_component": {
                    "variant": "non_material_variant:full_product",
                    "certified_percentage": 95.0
                  "has_approved_sustainability_related_claim": true
                "product_simples": [
                    "ean": "5701586978572",
                    "zalando_product_simple_id": "CX742I007-Q12000L000"

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