Fixing Orders with pending updates

We expect that when you acknowledge the orders, you send us an update for those orders within 7 days. An order is marked successfully updated when all the corresponding Order Line statuses are updated to shipped/canceled. We have outlined below steps following which you can check if there are any orders with pending updates and send us the updates.

1. Fetch the orders with pending updates

Use the endpoint for getting orders with below parameters. It will give the list of orders with pending updates.

GET merchants/{merchant_ID}/orders?order_status=Approved&created_before={date}&page[size]=1000&include=order_items,order_lines&order_type=PartnerFulfilled

The following sample shows how to use httpie to make this call:

http GET '{merchant_ID}/orders?order_status=Approved&created_before=2021-05-29T00:00:00Z&page[size]=1000&include=order_items,order_lines&order_type=PartnerFulfilled' \
 Authorization:'Bearer $YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'


  • created_before: is the date before which the orders were created. We expect that you send us order updates within 7 days of order creation. So ideally, this date should be 7 days before you're calling the endpoint
  • page[size]: is the number of orders you want to receive in a single endpoint call. We recommend that you call 1000 orders at once so that you can cover more orders in a single iteration and you will not be rate limited.
  • include=order_items,order_lines: This will give you additional details of the order items and lines in the same API call. You would need the order lines especially to check their status.
  • order_type=PartnerFulfilled: This ensures that you only get the orders that are supposed to be fulfilled by partners. For orders to be fulfilled by Zalando, you do not need to worry about sending any updates.

For an illustration of a typical JSON reply, see the Detailed Example in "Understanding Orders".

2. Store the orders

  • Store the orders fetched from previous step.
  • For these orders, some of the orders will already be exported by you and some not. Check if the order exists in your system. In case it does not exist or if it exists but the order line status is not the same as the one returned from the endpoint, flag the order
  • For the non-existing orders and flagged ones, send the update to us.


  • To know how to update the order lines, please read the article on preparing orders for shipping or updating orders for returns
  • Ensure that you get a success response code(204 for PATCH) for all the endpoint calls. Make sure you respect the rate-limiting while calling the endpoints.
  • For orders older than 1 month, please get in touch with the partner support team before sending the updates as they trigger communication to customers.

3. Verify (optional)

Although if you ensure you receive a 204 response code, the update will be successfully processed in Zalando system. However, if you would like to verify the updated status, call the endpoint to get the latest status of the individual orders and verify that it is updated.

Please ensure that there is a gap of at least 10 minutes between steps 2 and 3. Since the order updates are asynchronous, the updates could take some time to reflect back on the endpoints. In case of any anomalies, please reach out to us.

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