Offer Blocking API Overview

The Offer Blocking API is used to create or remove offer blockers. Products which are blocked by an offer blocker are not offered to Zalando customers.

Offer Blocking API Scopes

Many zDirect APIs require clients to have specific permissions or scopes for read or write access. You may assign scopes to your apps in the "Applications" section of the zDirect Portal.

For more information on configuring app scopes, see the Applications section of our zDirect Portal guide.

Required scopes are:

Operation Scope
Create an Offer Blocker products/blockers/write
Delete an Offer Blocker products/blockers/write
Query Offer Blockers products/blockers/read

Rate Limiting

Each client may only make the following number of requests. Note these limits are per Fashion Partner:

Operation Limits
Create offer blockers for particular products of a merchant (in a single of multiple sales channels) 5 requests per second
Delete offer blockers for particular products of a merchant (in a single of multiple sales channels) 5 requests per second

For more information, see Rate Limiting.

Sandbox Behavior

All Offer Blocking API requests may be run in the sandbox environment. The behavior is identical to the production environment, however creating or removing offer blockers will have no impact on product availability.

All requests in the sandbox environment are validated, and any returned error codes are the same as you will get in production.

No sandbox request will affect your production data in any way.

For more information, see Sandbox Testing in our Getting Started Guide.

Additional Resources

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