Intra-Community Movements

The Intra-Community Movements API provides you with information that can help you comply with Intrastat reporting obligations.


The zDirect API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication for all API calls. Use the Authentication API to generate access tokens as described in the Authentication section.

Intra-Community Movements Report

If you have enabled international warehousing, ZFS may move inventory between Zalando warehouses. Zalando is not a tax advisor; consult your tax advisor to understand whether this generates Intrastat reporting obligations for your business.

If you need to file Intrastat reports, you can use the Intra-Community Movements Report to get the necessary data.

Shipped items are grouped by the day that they arrived at their destination. This date is called transaction date in the report.

From and To query parameters refer to the reported date. This is the date when the movement was reported in the system.


For example, to get all relevant cross border movements that were reported in April 2020:


The same call from httpie:

http GET \\
?from=2020-04-01&to=2020-04-30 \
"Authorization:Bearer $YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

Response: Successful

You will receive an HTTP 200 reply to a successful request. The following JSON reply example shows an Intra Community Movements report with only one item:

  "merchant_id": "246aabbc -beeb-45a7-99a3-6a8270887a74",
  "reports": [
      "transaction_date": "2020-04-01",
      "movements": [
          "product_sku": "AAA22O08A-A1100AS000",
          "ean": "2001231121234",
          "quantity": 1,
          "destination_stock_location": {
              "location_id": "b1aa94aa-104a-457a-a17a-a52aaa88aa3a",
              "name": "Gardno",
              "country_code": "PL"
          "source_stock_location": {
              "location_id": "32aaa430-a835-44aa-947a-4a1aaaa1a615",
              "name": "Erfurt",
              "country_code": "DE"
          "order_number": "20200401-erfurt-gardno",
          "movement_type": "customer_order_relocation"

Movement Types

  • Return Center Inbound
    Customer returns via return centers which are added to offerable stock in a country different from their last stock location.

  • Customer Return Inbound
    Customer returns which arrive directly in a warehouse and are added to offerable stock in a country different from their last offerable stock location.

  • Automatic Relocation
    Movements from one country to another triggered by algorithms to optimize availability in all markets.

  • Customer Order Relocation
    An item was in offerable stock in one country, was ordered by a customer, and during order fulfillment, the item was moved to another country for order consolidation. The item was ultimately not used to fulfill the order, so the item was instead added to the offerable stock of the destination country. This can happen if an order is canceled after the item is already in transit to the consolidation location, or if another unit of the same item became available closer to the customer and was used to fulfill the order.

  • Customer Order Relocation Corrections
    Update 2024-06-17: The movement type Customer Order Relocation Correction is gradually being deprecated. In the past, a Customer Order Relocation was reported for every customer order where an item made a transit stop in a different country on its way to the customer. Customer Order Relocation Correction was used to cancel out reporting of Customer Order Relocations when the customer order was completed and the item did not become part of offerable stock in the country where it made a transit stop. To cancel out an irrelevant Customer Order Relocation, the report would include a Customer Order Relocation Correction with quantity -1. The logic for reporting Customer Order Relocations has been improved so that Customer Order Relocation movements are shown only when the item becomes part of offerable stock in a new country, i.e., in the cases described under "Customer Order Relocation" above. This means that corrections are no longer needed and will therefore no longer be shown in the report.

Error Handling

If you receive a non-200 error response, try re-fetching after two minutes or more.

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