Logistic Centers


Logistic centers are facilities where goods are handled. There can be different types of such facilities.

Right now the endpoint only supports outbound warehouses. Outbound warehouses are the facilities where a partner sends their goods from. They can be added only through zDirect.

Use the following call to get the list of all the Logistic Centers using the API:

GET /merchants/{merchant-id}/logistic-centers

The following shows an example httpie call:

http \
https://api.merchants.zalando.com/merchants/{merchant-id}/logistic-centers \
"Authorization:Bearer $YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

An example of a response body:

  "items": [
      "logistic_center_id": "a3b208a5-a4cc-4848-9f21-11fd3f257a20",
      "name": "Main Warehouse",
      "type": "OUTBOUND_WAREHOUSE",
      "address": {
        "street": "Schönhauser Allee 103",
        "additional": "2. Hinterhof rechts",
        "city": "Berlin",
        "zip": "14265",
        "country_code": "DE"
      "logistic_center_id": "4aa144ea-8f01-4c16-9ed5-bdd4ac3ed6b3",
      "name": "Second Warehouse",
      "type": "OUTBOUND_WAREHOUSE",
      "address": {
        "street": "Schönhauser Allee 104",
        "additional": "2. Hinterhof rechts",
        "city": "Berlin",
        "zip": "14265",
        "country_code": "DE"

To get the information of a specific logistic center there is another endpoint:

GET /merchants/{merchant-id}/logistic-centers/{logistic-center-id}

And a response example:

  "logistic_center_id": "a3b208a5-a4cc-4848-9f21-11fd3f257a20",
  "name": "Main Warehouse",
  "address": {
    "street": "Schönhauser Allee 103",
    "additional": "2. Hinterhof rechts",
    "city": "Berlin",
    "zip": "14265",
    "country_code": "DE"


Outbound warehouses can only be added through zDirect and will only show up after being approved. This applies for both production and sandbox environments, which share the same data.

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