Products API Overview

The Products API is used for adding products to the Zalando Catalog. Use the Products API to check if a specified EAN already exists in the Zalando Catalog. If it does, use the Products API to map your product identifiers to an EAN.

Products API Scopes

To submit your product identifiers to the zDirect API, your client must have the Products/products/write scope.

Many zDirect APIs require clients to have specific permissions or scopes for read or write access. You may assign scopes to your apps in the "Applications" section of the zDirect Portal.

For more information on configuring app scopes, see the Applications section of our zDirect Portal guide.

Rate Limiting

Each app may only make the following number of requests per second:

Environment req/sec
production 50
sandbox 50

For more information, see Rate Limiting.

Sandbox Behavior

Read requests with the Products API return sandbox data. The API performs validations that are used in the production environment.

Write requests in the sandbox environment are given the same basic validation upon submission, but any submitted mappings are not persisted or propagated.

For more information, see Sandbox Testing in our Getting Started Guide.

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